Chances are if you have a question about Greek Life, it’s been asked before! Alongside our weekly newsletter and blog, you can find our most frequently asked questions answered here for your easy access.
Q1. I didn’t even know Sororities existed at the UofA!
We get this statement a lot! Although Greek Life is a heavily Americanized concept, lots of Greek organizations are internationally widespread; spanning past North America! In Canada, Panhellenic Associations exist in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario - with over 15 Panhellenic chapters chartered. Here at the University of Alberta, we’re one of the oldest student groups and have been around since 1931!
Q2. How do I know if I want to join a sorority?…
The “aha” moment is different for every member. Some people have a love-at-first-sight situation, some individuals come to the University of Alberta knowing they want to go into Greek Life, and some of our members find a deeper appreciation well into their later years of membership.
To know whether or not you’d like to take a chance at experiencing Panhellenic Sororities, we recommend asking if our Four Pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Friendship and Service, align with your values. And if you want to find like-minded individuals who reflect those values in unique ways, then we encourage you to register!
Q3. How do I know if I’m eligible to join?
To be a Potential New Member, an individual must be an undergraduate student registered at the University of Alberta and has not been initiated into another NPC sorority. As long as you are comfortable with being referred to in the collective feminine-sense (sister, sisterhood, woman’s organization), you are eligible! This means whether you’re a cis-woman, trans-gender, non-binary, part-time, full-time, or open studies undergraduate student - you can go through recruitment!
Q4. Alright, I’m interested. How do I join? Do I automatically get initiated into a sorority?…
Just like all student groups at the University of Alberta, signing up for something with your name and email doesn’t mean you’re automatically a part of their organization. Primary Recruitment serves as an opportunity for you to meet every one of the Panhellenic Chapters and their members, to find your best fit and get to know the people you’d be joining.
Then, after that, there is the new member period where you are not initiated, but get to know the ins-and-outs of your chapter. We like to call this the halfway point. The chapter is inviting you to learn about their values, offering you some of their unique resources and opportunities, and making sure you are comfortable and fully informed for when you initiate.
Q5. Great! So when do I get my bid?…
During Primary Recruitment, no one is guaranteed to receive a bid from any one organization; though we do our absolute best to maximize the number of people who receive bids. Very few women are ever released during fall recruitment, and the first pick rate on our campus has historically always been above 85%! The bid matching process is the mutual selection of a chapter with a PNM, and we always strive to make sure our registrants find their home away from home!
Q6. How do I know which sorority is for me?…
Although each of the Panhellenic Sororities are united by our shared Four Pillars, they each have their own unique mission, motto and values that give them distinctive differences. When choosing a chapter that is right for you when going through recruitment, you’ll meet members of all chapters on campus, and those rounds will give you better insight into which chapter feels like home to you. If you’d like, you can take notes after each round to remember your conversations, and your Recruitment Counsellor will always be there to provide support. At the end of the day, even though one chapter will always hold a special place in your heart, just remember that the Panhellenic Community is shared by all of our members, and joining on sorority does not restrict you from being an active supporter, sister and friend to another!
Q7. How much does it cost to be a part of a sorority?
Each sorority charges their own new member and active member fees, though there is no charge to go through Recruitment. The exact cost breakdown is discussed during our Chapter Pride round. These dues include costs that go towards chapter budgets: member retreats, workshops, badges, formal and semi-formal events, house maintenance, sisterhood events; and a small portion of it goes to the collegiate panhellenic budget which helps us run events for the community and recruitment. A part of the dues go back to their national organization to fund member trips and programs, and the NPC.
Q8. So each chapter has a house, can I live in it?
Yes! Each of our chapter houses offer high-quality living conditions including full amenities, parking, and living a block off of campus (the only thing we don’t have are our own personal chefs - ha!). Depending on the chapter, there are different expectations for living in their house, but every member that has lived in their sorority’s house can speak on how great the experience was.
Q9. So if I join, are there expectations for my membership? What is the time commitment?
The exact expectations that come with being a member of a chapter vary; which is why we highly encourage you ask this question during Recruitment Rounds! However, each of the chapters have a weekly meeting that is around 1-2 hours a week on Mondays. In addition, you are expected to pay your membership dues on time, and you might be expected to attend and/or help with recruitment events, retreats, and fundraisers.
And although each chapter has their own GPA minimums, volunteer expectations, and attendance, at the end of the day you decide how much you involve yourself in your chapter. Above all, our communities acknowledge we are students first, and that will always be our top priority.
Q10. What if the sorority I’ve selected is the wrong one for me, or it’s not the best time for me to join?
As long as you haven’t signed your Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) you can withdraw from the recruitment process with no commitment! Things get a bit more complicated once you do sign…
I signed, got a bid, but did not accept - You can’t join a recruitment season until the next formal recruitment.
I signed, got a bid, accepted, but did not initiate - You can’t join a recruitment season until the next formal recruitment.
I signed, but did not get a bid - You can join a sorority as a Snap Bid, Quota Addition or wait and sign up for Continuous Open Bidding! (COB)
Q11. What is the difference between Canadian and United States Sororities?…
There is a cultural difference between Canadian and Untied States Sororities - mostly based on the unique situations present in both countries. For example, every one of our sororities abide by a strict dry policy that prohibits the use of alcohol and explicit substances at our events and on our premises. At the University of Alberta, all of our organizations are also student groups - meaning we abide by all the policies and regulation upheld by the university, and we only recruit undergraduate students at the University of Alberta.
Q12. Do sororities party all the time like you see in the movies and on TV?…
No! Although our communities do prioritize friendship and recreational enjoyment, we don’t throw ragers or block parties. We have a strict no alcohol policy, which means it cannot be stored, served, or consumed on any property identified by an NPC organization; like a sorority house.
Does that mean our members never celebrate with one another? Also no! Many of our members can attest to attending UofA Golden Bear Games, spending the night at their chapter houses watching movie and eating a bunch of snacks, or even going out and having a picnic at the local Edmonton Park. But aligning with our values, our members hold one another accountable and ensure that we are abiding by both the University’s and NPC’s policies at all times.
Q13. What is hazing? Or, I’ve heard of it, and does it happen at the University of Alberta?
Under no circumstances do our sororities allow hazing policies to exist within our organizations, or for our members to engage with hazing procedures. Nor do we tolerate such behavior from external groups at our campus. Hazing, of all forms, has been banned in all 26 member organizations of NPC. As well, the University of Alberta upholds their own high-standards regarding anti-hazing, and we as a student group strive to excel past their expectations.
If any of our members or organizations were found to be hazing, they would incur heavy punishment. Hazing can even be considered as grounds for having the chapter closed. Our community engages with anti-hazing programs throughout the school year, and we even instill programs for sexual violence, implicit bias and alcohol/drug abuse.
“I think what I love most about sororities is no one is ever quite satisfied with who they are in the moment; they’re always learning new things, asking questions, all in the effort of being their best self.”