REBRANDING: First Introductions
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the first ever blog-post featuring Panhellenic Sororities at the University of Alberta! With our latest revamp, we wanted a quick but cute way to reach out to all parties and let you in on all the day-to-day activities of our council; as well as our chapters!
Here, you can see featured posts relating to upcoming events, volunteering, excellence in our community, day in our lives, historical celebrations, and more! Even our Executive will be leaving little notes for you guys to pursue at your leisure.
You can comment down below on these posts with all your burning questions or fun little tidbits of information! For Mental Health Week, we’ll be posting some information featurettes, with links to University of Alberta services for our students.
QOTD: What’s a podcast or blog that you’ve been obsessed with recently? I can’t get enough of Powerhouse Women!