ADVICE: How to MAXIMIZE Recruitment Rounds

Dear Reader,

Recruitment is a commitment - to a potential future filled with opportunities and lifelong bonds with a huge community of other dedicated, powerful, and kind individuals. The week goes by in a blur - and sometimes, it can be hard to sit and reflect on how you feel and what you were told during rounds.

So, what can you do to fix all this?

Simple, journal.

Yes it sounds cliche - don’t get me wrong. You hear it all the time on the internet right now: “Mindfulness starts with journal reflections 5 minutes every morning!” or “A tangible goal is a written one.” And even if we’re not here to debate the psychological research backing these claims - we can utilize this strategy to ensure you are fully prepared for recruitment.

If you follow us on Instagram: @ualbertasororities you already know we posted a Recruitment Bag Prep; little advice on what to bring to ensure you have everything you could need during the week! One of those things - was a notebook and journal.

Before and after rounds, you’ll have time to debrief with your Recruitment Counsellor - get any anxious feelings out and ask your burning questions; you’ll even get a little presentation from the Panhellenic Council on what to expect each round, and some ideas for questions you could ask each sorority member! We want you to be prepared as possible. During this time, consider…

  • Writing down the questions you think most apply to what you need from membership. Things like: how often do your dues fluctuate? On average, how many hours a week are mandatory for members to attend, and on what days? What happens if my GPA drops below a certain grade-point?

  • Writing down your schedule somewhere in your notebook. Your Recruitment Counsellor will be keeping track of your attendance and ensuring you’re attending as many rounds as possible, but it doesn’t hurt to keep track for yourself! I found it brought me a lot of comfort.

  • Writing down the contact information of your fellow PNMs! You’ll be going to rounds together and most likely you’ll make friends through the process - if you haven’t invited a friend to go through recruitment with you, that’s also a great option!

Not only should you be writing outside of rounds - but between rounds. When you’re walking to and from the sorority houses, you’ll have about 10 minutes to yourself, with other PNMs and your RC. During this time, we highly recommend writing down what happened during the previous round.

  • What members did you talk to? Their names? Any defining qualities?

  • What did you talk about? Was there anything you felt strongly about; positive or negative?

  • How did you feel throughout the conversation? Did it flow naturally? Did you laugh and feel at ease? Was there a memorable awkward pause?

  • Overall, how are you generally feeling about that sorority?

Remember; a single member does not make the entire organisation. But each member of their sorority can admit to a certain spark - be open-minded and give each sorority the chance to be your home away from home!

This was a short but sweet blog post to introduce the LAST MONTH BEFORE RECRUITMENT OFFICIALLY STARTS! If you’ve been here since the beginning, it’s been so nice getting to talk to all of you - and I cannot wait to meet all of you when the fall semester starts! If you haven’t registered yet, or just want to find out more before committing, the recruitment link can be found here.

That’s all from me; see you next time!

